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Financial literacy

The project "Financial Literacy Welfare of Nation" is aimed to provide the key financial literacy skills for young people by conducting both offline and online training. The educational process is based on the use of a board game - a simulator of the business board game "Cash-Flow", which is adapted to the conditions and features of the Ukrainian economy.

The training methodology is aimed at developing the participants' basic financial skills, including financial planning, investing, generating sources of passive income and other aspects. In the process of training, we emphasize both individual growth, and on the development of teamwork skills, joint solution of challenges and mutual support.

History of the project

The prerequisites for the project were formed by the situation with the coronavirus and quarantine, when the problem of the unpreparedness of a significant number of people for financial challenges appeared in society. In the conditions of limited labor opportunities, the need for financial education, the search for alternative channels of income and the ability to form a financial "safety cushion" have become obvious and urgent.
In 2020, the financial literacy training project was initiated by Rotary and Rotaract Club Kyiv International. Within 2 years the project grew to 3500+ volunteers and became a separate project.

In the first 2 years, the project grew to 3,500 volunteers in the community, which prompted the registration of a separate public organization "Welfare of the Nation" for its implementation.
The name "Welfare of the Nation" was born from the mission of the project - "Improving the well-being of the nation through the teaching of financial literacy."
Today, "Welfare of the Nation" is a public organization that has its own legal address, bank account, founding documents, structure and document management system.

Target audience

Schoolchildren from 12 to 17 years old (grades 7-11)

Students of 1-5 years of higher educational institutions
17-21 years old


The first year - the city of Kyiv and the Kyiv region

Second year - Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv region: Bucha, Irpin, Vyshneve, Brovary, Boyarka, others

Third year: after russian invasion we hold 25+ countries have accepted our refugees, and now the project has international status


The geography of the "Financial Literacy Welfare of Nation" project covers the city of Kyiv and its region. Trainings are held in a variety of locations, including educational institutions, libraries / spaces / hubs. These places are provided by our volunteers and partners, which indicates the wide social and partnership spectrum of the initiative.
After February 24, 2022, the russian invasion, our project has gone to more than 25 countries around the world. We have more than 500 volunteers living in other countries and providing our project in their countries.

Roles in the project


Teenagers and young people from 12 to 21 years old

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Adults older than 21 years, ready to learn to become project leaders


A volunteer or trained player who runs the games


Conducts training for project leaders


Learn more about presenter training:

The training of volunteers as trainers is carried out by our certified trainers, who also develop, adjust and constantly improve the game-training methodology for teenagers and young people. 

All trainers train, mentor, help and advise volunteer trainers on a volunteer basis. 

Training to become a presenter involves the volunteer himself going through a series of successful training games and a two-day training and certification with the project's trainers.

In addition, during their participation in the project, all presenters have the opportunity to attend a series of specialized trainings aimed at developing their qualities as presenters for free. 

Invited experts and specialized organizations are actively involved in the training of presenters, in particular, the USAID company organized a 9-day interactive training for presenters, in which 100 people took part.

Project goals until 2030

To scale the project up to 10 cities of Ukraine (in each city 2-3 universities and up to 10 schools)

To attract more than 2,000,000 teenagers across Ukraine

To train more than 10,000 trainers who conduct at least 1 game per month at a school

To prepare a system of recruiting and regular financial literacy training of presenters-trainers in the cities of Ukraine

To create a community that will generate investment projects. The purpose of such a community is to build a system of mentoring, mutual support, and support for young entrepreneurs / experts / specialists

To develop a loyalty system for leading trainers to create preconditions for the organic growth and spread of the project

To develop a donation system, motivate graduates of the program to donate part of the money earned to the project to the Endowment Fund for the purpose of self-supporting the project

To involve the mass media and a number of donors from the financial sector of Ukraine

How to join the project?

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