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Financial literacy project

Who are we?

From the idea of a board game to a global public organization - this is how our path developed. During the quarantine of 2020, Rotary and Rotaract Club Kyiv International initiated the creation of financial literacy training based on the Cash-Flow board game (we call it not game, but training).
The project began to grow rapidly and soon outgrew the number of volunteers and the capacity of the organization that created it.
During the first 2 years of the trainings, 3,500 volunteers joined them.
The active expansion of the project prompted us to register a separate public organization - "Welfare of Nation", the name of which comes from the mission of the project - "Improving the welfare of the nation by teaching financial literacy".


What are we doing?

  • We conduct training board games with Cash-Flow (adapted version of the game), adapted to the Ukrainian economy, in the Ukrainian language

  • First, we teach volunteers the rules of the game, coaching skills and help them to master leadership skills

  • We negotiate with schools, libraries, and universities to provide space and hold games with teenagers on their territory (age category 12-21 years old)

  • We print board games and methodological materials for training games in Ukrainian 

  • We administer the training process, the schedule of training and visits to schools, libraries and universities

  • The board game lasts 5 hours. In fact, it is a transformative training, not a game. 3-8 people can participate at one table in one training

  • We train trainers in financial literacy, and they bring this knowledge to children during transformational trainings

Financial literacy project

The financial literacy project is aimed at conducting free training both offline and online for young people, using an innovative approach using a board game - a business environment simulator "Cash-Flow". The game is characterized by its adaptation to the realities of the Ukrainian economy, which makes it an effective tool for studying financial aspects.

Mission of the project on financial literacy

  • To raise the level of financial literacy among the young people of Ukraine. To teach how to solve financial challenges in society through joint efforts.

  • To form a generation of Ukrainians who are able and know how to use a wide range of financial instruments, easily open and develop their projects and businesses, become entrepreneurs and investors starting from school level.

  • To give a conscious choice to people to move from the square of "hired employee" to the squares of "self-employed", "businessman", "investor" (According to the square of Robert Kiyosaki book “Rich dad, poor dad”).

  • To raise the skills of joint challenges’ solution, teamwork, and mutual support.

  • To develop the skills of charity, the ability to take responsibility for others, to donate resources to charity, including the endowment for common aid.

Our achievements


3,500 volunteers joined the project in 3 years of work, of which 2,000+ are active volunteers


400+ presenters have passed certification and teach in schools and universities


6000+ children and adults played games and joined the project (50% - children)


50+ schools and universities have signed memorandums and work with us


2,500 training games have been held since the start of the project in June 2020


100 game sets were produced and handed over to schools and universities


Report 2023

Report 1

Report 2

Report 3

Project organizers

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